The Artist’s Way

Pam Moore Gainer
2 min readApr 13, 2021


The Artist’s Way is a magical book. Our group just started week 8 and each week, it feels like Julia Cameron knows exactly what is coming up for me. She is talking directly to me about it.

“One of the great misconceptions about the artistic life is that it entails great swaths of aimlessness. The truth is that a creative life involves great swaths of attention. Attention is a way to connect and survive, ” she writes.

“Focused on process, our creative life retains a sense of adventure. Focus on product, the same creative life feels foolish or barren.”

“Very often a risk is worth taking simply for the sake of taking it.”

If you are out there, considering moving toward a more creative life, I highly recommend checking out this book. It opens your eyes to what is really going on underneath it all. It’s never about what it’s about, is it?

I am so thankful to have found three other creative women to work through the book with me. It has been such a blessing. I know if I had been doing this alone, it would have been a whole different experience. It’s pretty cool when you can share stuff like this.

I was walking and spotted a robin sitting on top of the L in love. I wish I could’ve snapped a better photo but I knew if I went in closer, it would’ve flown away.

Thanks for reading today’s entry in my daily blog. My goal here is to practice noticing. I try to write about small things and I try to keep it light. Sometimes I write about creativity or healing. And sometimes I write about my dogs or what I cooked for dinner. Writing daily here is a way for me to shine a light back on my life and help me see.

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