Saturday in April

Pam Moore Gainer
2 min readApr 10, 2021

Back on the early morning wake up train! 4:30am today. I use the time to write my morning pages, space out and read. It is so quiet. My window faces east and I watch the sun come up.

A trip to the grocery store.

I had plans to clean, but no cleaning happened.

Thomas came to visit. He went into the kitchen, opened the fridge and saw it was full. I heard him whisper, I’ll be back for you later. (Thomas and Henry come raid our kitchen when we’re gone. They don’t think we know.)

Wesley had a baseball game. He’s been playing at Picknelly Field in Springfield. It’s special because they announce the name of each player when they come up to bat. Christian and I dropped him off and scooted up to Dicks before the game. We splurged on new folding chairs for his games. They are rocking chairs! Wes slid into second and hurt his ankle.

Back home. Christian is fertilizing the lawn. Every year he fertilizes the lawn but it always looks the same. Don’t tell him I told you that.

Step Brothers was on TV. We always will stop and watch this movie when it’s on. Every damn time.

Christian took Charlie out driving. He ran a red light.

Steak on the grill for dinner.

We spotted Henry out in the field next door doing donuts with the golf cart.

As I write this, there’s a stink bug trying to get up onto my keyboard. Eww. (Okay, I just googled stink bugs and it actually is not a stink bug. It is a Western Conifer Seed Bug. Still Eww. But harmless, I guess. I’m letting him stay.)

Thanks for reading today’s entry in my daily blog. My goal here is to practice noticing. I try to write about small things and I try to keep it light. Sometimes I write about creativity or healing. And sometimes I write about my dogs or what I cooked for dinner. Writing daily here is a way for me to shine a light back on my life and help me see.

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