Puzzle Pieces

Pam Moore Gainer
3 min readJun 1, 2021

I’ve heard healing be compared to peeling back layers of an onion. I think that’s true. There are so many dang layers.

You learn something. And then you go along until you know it. You knew it before, but now you really know it. It’s deep in your bones. You understand it so completely that it’s part of you now.

But with the onion, at some point you’ll get to the middle. So, I don’t know about that analogy. I’ve described the process before as putting a puzzle together. You keep finding the pieces. Once in a while, you find a piece that is super important. It’s one of those pieces that allows you to complete a whole new section of the puzzle.

Recently, I’ve been putting a lot of super important pieces in the puzzle. There are some areas of healing that are so deep and profound, that when you come upon them, it is a full body experience. It’s a processing in your body. You’ve stirred up some old pain and you’re working it out of you. You can see that you’ve been dancing around that old pain for a long time. And now that it’s right in front of you, you can’t unsee it. These are the big pieces.

And in my experience, the old pain has to do with relationships. You get to a point where you have kind of figured out what you have going on inside of you and your pain points, your triggers. You have that awareness. But now you have to look at your relationships. If you want to have the full experience of life, you have to get your relationships straight.

And then comes the deep old pain. Because we can’t do this on our own. We are built for connection. And to be able to do that, you’ve got that super important puzzle piece to contend with. It’s vulnerability. It’s opening up.

All the hurt you’ve experienced in your life that you have gotten really good at avoiding, you have to turn around and accept that it could all happen again.

But you’re strong now. You know yourself. You’re opening up your heart now. And inside of you is the one thing that you’ve been looking for all along. Love. And that’s what you need to be able to place those big puzzle pieces. It’s within you. Use it.

Thanks for reading today’s entry in my daily blog. My goal here is to practice noticing. I try to write about small things and I try to keep it light. Sometimes I write about creativity or healing. And sometimes I write about my dogs or what I cooked for dinner. Writing daily here is a way for me to shine a light back on my life and help me see.

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Pam Moore Gainer

Writer. Doodler. Noticer. Mom of humans and dogs. Wife of Christian. www.pammooregainer.com