Monday, January 25, 2021

Pam Moore Gainer
2 min readJan 26, 2021

Charlie has finals this week. That means it’s the end of the semester and next week he starts up all new classes. He’s looking forward to that. Wes is still too young for finals, but he gets his progress report this week as well.

My mom is going through old photos and posting them on local nostalgic Facebook groups. I help her by taking good photos of the old real photos with my phone camera. Today I took a pic of a few of her photos of Pat Boone. In the late 1950’s she was a member of the Pat Boone Fan Club. And the fan club sent out these photos to all the members periodically. My favorite is the one in his bathing suit.

A friend shared a video about interspecies communication. Humans communicating with animals, non-verbally, back and forth. I am fascinated. There’s so much we don’t know, isn’t there? Or rather, there’s so much we’ve forgotten.

I had a moment today where I remembered how far I’ve come. It took my breath away. There are some simple things that are a regular part of my daily life that I couldn’t even imagine as a possibility 8 or 9 years ago. I was so lost. I was so off track. But I didn’t even know it. I didn’t even see the other track. But somehow I had a feeling there was one. It was a very tiny feeling. But it was there.
If you are feeling lost, I want you to know this — You are not alone. Maybe you also have a very tiny feeling that there is another way. If you do, then you have the knowing. Listen to it.



Pam Moore Gainer

Writer. Doodler. Noticer. Mom of humans and dogs. Wife of Christian.