
Pam Moore Gainer
2 min readJun 23, 2021


Charlie and I went out to lunch. Around here we call it a Dairy Bar or a Drive in. You know, one of those places where you order at a window and they call your name when it’s ready? Foot long hot dogs, fried seafood, ice cream, that type of thing. I’m on a search for good onion rings. Homemade batter. Thin. I keep coming up empty. Charlie might be on a mission to try as many different milkshake flavors as he can.

Wes has his final baseball game of the regular season tonight. I’m happy to announce that he hit his first ever home run in a game on Sunday. He wanted a new bat and we kept discouraging it because he only had a few games left. Well, he got some graduation cash and asked me take him to the sports store before the game. Turns out bats do make difference. Who would’ve thought? Ahhh sports.

I’e been writing. A lot. The ideas are flowing. The inspiration keeps coming. It has to because of some internal changes I’ve made lately. I’ve opened up some energy. It feels great. It feels like I have a direction and some invisible force nudging me along.

I spotted this view this morning on my walk. The sun is shining on this little patch of earth just perfectly.

Thanks for reading today’s entry in my daily blog. My goal here is to practice noticing. I try to write about small things and I try to keep it light. Sometimes I write about creativity or healing. And sometimes I write about my dogs or what I cooked for dinner. Writing daily here is a way for me to shine a light back on my life and help me see.

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