A stroll.

Pam Moore Gainer
2 min readMay 16, 2021


Yesterday, I was driving back home after dropping Wes off at his friends house and I came upon some geese out for a stroll. At first I thought there were just two, but then saw there were three little baby geese walking with them. A family out for a walk.

I took yesterday to relax and let me body recover from my shot the day before. Sometimes staring at the wall for hours is just what you need, don’t you think?

I’m going to take a break from posting on here every day. It’s been four and a half months and has been a fantastic exercise in getting me to write every day. But the last few weeks have been tough. And I am getting better at listening. Even though there is a great benefit to setting a goal and reaching it every day, there is also a great benefit to learning to listen to what God/universe/life is telling you. I have spent most of my life cracking the whip onto myself with work, doing work that sucks the life out of me. It’s time for me to step back and do what feels fun and light. And it feels like I’ve lost the lightness here.

So, I’m not done forever. I just need a break. I need to step away for at least a week (maybe more) and get my bearings. I may post here and there, but I’m going to let my intuition guide me. I’m shifting from a “I have to do this every day!” to “I want to do this. This feels good and fun.” And I need a break to be able to see the difference again.

I read this today:
We are constantly trying to hold it all together. If you really want to see why you do things, then don’t do them and see what happens.
-Michael Singer

Thanks for reading today’s entry in my daily blog. My goal here is to practice noticing. I try to write about small things and I try to keep it light. Sometimes I write about creativity or healing. And sometimes I write about my dogs or what I cooked for dinner. Writing daily here is a way for me to shine a light back on my life and help me see.

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